‘Lick of Paint Festival’ will be an artist led weekend long mural and street art festival celebrating the diversity and talent of creative in the North.
With community engagement at its core, the festival will see a diverse range of artists, local to Sheffield, the wider Yorkshire area, and global talent, come together to create impacting and high quality public art.
Along side this the festival aims to inspire innovation to arts as well as inspiring sustainability.
Before Lick Of Paint hits the streets in 2025 we are committed to engaging with the public to listen to what they would like to see from such an event, so In 2024 we plan to hold 3-4 smaller mural events to advertise the festival for 2025 all while speaking to the public about there expectations, ideas and addressing concerns.
Other prior engagement opportunities:
- Selection panels
- Workshops
- ‘Give it a Go’ events
- Mentoring
- Events volunteering opportunities
“The Feature Walls festival back in 2016 was one of them (highlights). Seeing both local and international street artists descend on the city to produce 18 amazing large-scale murals was brilliant. Many of those murals still exist today. It is just such a shame that it was a one-off festival. Sheffield is such a creative city; an annual street art festival would fit in well as part of its cultural calendar.”
- Street Art Sheffield
“Art needs to be publicly accessible. It’s not often that people see an artist and can put a face to a painting. When that happens it’s a wonderful thing.”
- Affix, Canal and River Trust
Spray Plant UK
Get Together Festival
Worcester Street Art Festival
Sheffield Hallam University
Street Art Sheffield Blog
Sheffield City Council
Exposed Magazine
Waterford Walls Festival
Bloc Projects